Research and teaching

IChemE currently awards eleven medals and prizes in research and teaching. They recognise companies, universities and individuals, from across industry and academia, for their exceptional contribution to chemical and biochemical engineering research and teaching.

View the IChemE Medals and Prize Winners 2024 >>

Andrew Medal

The Andrew Medal recognises an individual or company for a major contribution to the science of formulation of heterogeneous catalysts.

Find out more about the Andrew Medal and how to nominate >>

Davidson Medal

The Davidson Medal recognises an individual, from industry or academia, for their outstanding mentorship of young chemical engineers.

Find out more about the Davidson Medal and how to nominate >>

Geldart Medal

The Geldart Medal recognises an individual or company for a major contribution to research in the area of particle technology.

Find out more about the Geldart Medal and how to nominate >>

Guggenheim Medal

The Guggenheim Medal is awarded to one or more individuals, from industry or academia, who have made a significant contribution to research in thermodynamics and/or complex fluids.

Find out more about the Guggenheim Medal and how to nominate >>

Junior Sargent Medal

The Junior Sargent Medal recognises a major contribution by an early career individual to research in the area of computer-aided product and process engineering.

Find out more about the Junior Sargent Medal and how to nominate >>

Morton Medal

The Morton Medal recognises an individual for their dedication to excellence in chemical engineering education.

Find out more about the Morton Medal and how to nominate >>

Nicklin Medal

The Nicklin Medal recognises talented early career researchers in chemical engineering.

Find out more about the Nicklin Medal and how to nominate >>

Sargent Medal

The Sargent Medal is awarded to one or more individuals, from industry or academia, who have made a significant recent contribution to research in computer-aided product and process engineering.

Find out more about the Sargent Medal and how to nominate >>


The SIESO Medal is awarded to an individual or group of students for the best presentation of a major accident and the learning outcomes.

Find out more about the SIESO Medal and how to enter >>

Sharma Medal

The Sharma Medal recognises an individual, from industry or academia, who has made a significant contribution to the field of chemical engineering research across their career.

Find out more about the Sharma Medal and how to nominate >>

Underwood Medal

The Underwood Medal recognises one or more individuals, from industry or academia, who have made a significant and sustained recent contribution to research in the area of separations.

Find out more about the Underwood Medal and how to nominate >>

Warner Medal

The Warner Medal is awarded to an early career researcher, from industry or academia, who has shown exceptional promise in the field of sustainable chemical process technology, nuclear technology or in making chemical engineering more accessible to a wider scientific community.

Find out more about the Warner Medal and how to nominate >>