Food and Drink
Future of Food & Drinks: Sustainability and Food Processing

- Date From 3rd April 2019
- Date To 3rd April 2019
- Price Students - £20.00, IChemE members - £40.00, Non-IChemE members - £50.00
- Location EBL Room 1-2, James Chadwick Building, the University of Manchester, Booth Street East, M13 9XH
Following on from the success of 2018’s two part conference on Future of Food & Drinks: Product, Process and Beyond, the Food & Drink Special Interest Group would like to invite you to our 2019 conference on Future of Food & Drinks: Sustainability and Food Processing organised jointly with the North West Members Group.
This year’s theme is on sustainability, in particular how sustainability is shaping our food processing practices, driving innovation and the impact on the consumer.
In addition to a great line of speakers from FMCG companies, academia and beyond, there will also be a panel led discussion. As always, there will be opportunities for networking at the end of the event.
Examples of topics include:
- Sustainable food processing
- Emerging technology
- Alternative ingredients
- Waste stream valorisation
- Policy making
- Sustainable products
- Sustainable food packaging
Keynote speaker
Professor Adisa Azapagic
Adisa holds a BSc and MSc in Environmental Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Environmental Systems Analysis. She is Professor of Sustainable Chemical Engineering in the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science. She heads Sustainable Industrial Systems, an internationally-leading research group applying principles of sustainable development and life cycle thinking in industrial practice. Her research interests include sustainable production and consumption, life cycle sustainability assessment and corporate sustainability. She is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Sustainable Production and Consumption published by Elsevier. She is also Editor-in-Chief of Process Safety and Environmental Protection, also published by Elsevier.
Adisa has held a number of fellowships and honorary appointments, some of which include fellowships from the Royal Academy of Engineering, UNESCO and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). She was awarded the IChemE Award for Outstanding Achievements in Chemical and Process Engineering in 2010 and the GSK/CIA Innovation Award in 2011 for masterminding the CCaLC carbon footprinting tool for industry.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Food & Drink Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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