Teesside (UK)
We are looking for volunteers

24th February 2021
We are looking for more active volunteers to join the Teesside IChemE committee!
If you are interested, please get in touch via membergroups@icheme.org and we can set up a brief, informal chat with a member of the committee.
What is an active committee member?
- Attends a minimum of half the committee meetings in a year (one per month)
- Contributes ideas and engages with committee systems of practice and communications
- Approximate time commitment is 1-3 hours per month
- Build a wider network/engage with your community
- Access to professional development opportunities
- Free or subsidised access to events
- Add to your C&C report for chartered engineer status
- Give back and contribute to your professional community
Roles currently available
- Events/talks organiser — provides support to run 1-2 technical talks or events per year as part of the current team of organisers
- Industrial liaison — to develop our contacts on Teesside and neighbouring areas
- University industrialist — Teesside University often looks for industrialists to help provide insight to their core activities (eg review MEng presentations)
- Marketing and marketing strategy — The 5 P’s!
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