Central Scotland (UK)

Troubleshooting Distillation and Absorption Column Internals - Postponed

Troubleshooting Distillation and Absorption Column Internals - Postponed
  • Date From 19th March 2020
  • Date To 19th March 2020
  • Price Free of charge and open to all
  • Location Room JW6.04, James Weir Building, University of Strathclyde, G1 1XJ


Please note that this event has been postponed. 

The Scottish Members Group invites the IChemE community and students for an evening workshop/seminar about the principles and troubleshooting of distillation and absorption. The illustrated talk will include aspects of column internals and tower design to avoid operating problems, typical operating problems as related to column internals, troubleshooting methodology and inspection of internals at turnarounds to avoid future problems.

The event will comprise of a presentation, time for questions and complimentary coffee/tea and biscuits.


Greg Spencer, Technical and Proposals Manager, Koch-Glitsch UK  

Greg Spencer graduated from Loughborough University in 1983 and is currently Technical Manager at Koch-Glitsch UK. He is a committee member of the Fluid Separations Special Interest Group, a member of the EFCE working party on distillation and absorption and a Fellow of IChemE. Prior to working at Koch-Glitsch, he was Technical Manager at Schott Engineering designing highly corrosion resistant chemical plants for acid concentration, batch production of fine chemicals and production of extremely pure pharmaceuticals.

For the last 20 years he has specialised in the revamp and troubleshooting of major units such as refinery crude towers, FCCU main fractionators, alky unit deisobutanisers, gas plants and petrochemical superfractionators. He has published papers on the design of dividing wall distillation columns, carbon capture plant, revamp of FCCU main fractionators and mechanical aspects of tray design.

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