Milton Keynes (UK)
Pumping Slurries through pipelines of 100s of Km

- Date From 21st February 2018
- Date To 21st February 2018
- Location BHR Group Offices, College Road, Wharley End, Bedford MK43 0AL
Solid-liquid mixtures, or slurries, have been pumped through long distance pipelines for over a century. One of the first pipelines transported coal slurry under the River Thames in London. Since then there have been many notable installations in the US, South America and North Africa. The presentation will describe some of the major slurry pipeline installations, highlighting the solids transported, pipe length, pipe diameter, slurry concentration and annual tonnages of solids. A description of the main design variables to be considered will also be given, such as internal pipe diameter, slurry concentration, slurry rheology, pump type and size, etc.
- 18.00 – Snacks and Networking
- 18.30 – Presentation Start and Online Webcast
- 19:20 – Q&A session
- 19.30 – Wrap up and Session Closure
Dr Nigel Heywood, Senior Engineering Consultant, BHR Group
Nigel has over 40 years’ experience in rheological measurement of a wide variety of fluids, and the application of the data to product formulation and engineering design. He is currently a Senior Engineering Consultant at BHR Group. He specialises in the application of rheological data to pipeline design and pump specification/sizing for both Newtonian and difficult-handle non-Newtonian fluids such as slurries and sludges. He consults for many companies in the chemicals, mining and minerals, water and nuclear decommissioning sectors and has run numerous open and in-house training courses on these topics.
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