About Knovel
Knovel is an online resource combining books, technical information, interactive equations and analytical tools.
Through IChemE, members have free access to over 300 leading reference works and databases that enable you to:
- quickly find answers to technical engineering questions
- gain access to information hidden in complex graphs, equations and tables using analytical and search tools
- access reference books across a range of chemical engineering topics including petroleum engineering, sustainability, design, process safety and loss prevention, water treatment, bioprocess and biotechnology, materials selection and safety compliance.
New for 2025/26
The following titles are new for 2025/26. Alternatively, view the full list of available resources.
- Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants Incorporating Process Safety Incidents; Volume 1A (5th Edition)
- Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants Incorporating Process Safety Incidents; Volume 1B (5th Edition)
- Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria - A Quantitative Approach (2nd Edition)
- Biodiesel - Feedstocks; Technologies; Economics and Barriers - Assessment of Environmental Impact in Producing and Using Chains
- Chemical Product Formulation Design and Optimization - Methods; Techniques; and Case Studies
- Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory (4th Edition)
- Facilitated Transport Membranes (FTMs) for CO2 Capture - Overview and Future Trends
- Foundations of Rheology
- Full Scale Plant Optimization in Chemical Engineering - A Practical Guide
- Functional Safety from Scratch - A Practical Guide to Process Industry Applications
- Fundamentals of Tank and Process Equipment Design
- Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement - Mechanisms; Mechanics; and Design
- Industrial Cybersecurity Case Studies and Best Practices
- Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering - Project Reports on Process Simulation
- Physical and Chemical Separation in Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Practical Guidelines for the Chemical Industry - Operation; Processes; and Sustainability in Modern Facilities
- Process Control Basics
- Process Engineering and Plant Design - The Complete Industrial Picture
- Process Intensification for Chemical and Biotechnology Industries - Fundamentals and Applications to Critical and Advanced Processes
- Process Measurement & Control in Practice - Design; Specification and Implementation (2nd Edition)
- Process Operations - Lessons Learned in a Nontechnical Language
- Process Safety and Big Data
- Statistics for Chemical and Process Engineers - A Modern Approach (2nd Edition)
- Sustainable Utilization of Carbon Dioxide - From Waste to Product
- Troubleshooting Process Operations (5th Edition)
Can't find what you're looking for?
We review the list of titles available to IChemE members annually and use search records to ensure the most sought-after volumes are available wherever possible. If you have a specific book you would like us to consider, please contact us.
To find out more about accessing the full breadth of the content available, please contact Knovel and reference IChemE.
What can I use Knovel for?
- Solving design problems
- Look up a chemical formula
- Locating new materials
- Improving processes
- Spec out project plans
- Research into new topics
- Validate assumptions and equipment
How to access Knovel
To access Knovel, log in to MyIChemE and navigate to Resources.
New to Knovel?
These training videos and online support will help you navigate your way around Knovel.
For more information on how to use Knovel's web-based engineering resources, view the recorded webinar below.