Safety and Loss Prevention
Webinar: Three Mile Island

- Date From 21st May 2024
- Date To 21st May 2024
The Three Mile Island accident in 1979 was a partial meltdown caused by lack of cooling, and has many features that are important in major hazard industrial design, operation and testing today. On the 45 year anniversary of the accident, we reviewed the important lessons to learn.
Dr Zsuzsanna Gyenes, Global Industrial Safety Solutions Ltd
Zsuzsanna is a senior process safety expert with extensive experience in training CEO’s of high hazard industrial sites on process safety leadership and culture, implementing tools and overseeing process safety management systems for industrial sites, reviewing safety reports, advising on risk reduction and performing on-site inspections. She gained experience in capacity building in EU neighbouring countries and was involved in facilitating training sessions in the Balkans.
Zsuzsanna is currently involved in consultancy activities for industrial sites and developing, delivering process safety and nuclear safety trainings for regulators and operators of industrial sites. She is member of the IChemE Loss Prevention Panel and the Hazards Conference Technical Committee, to publish learning from past chemical and nuclear accidents and support cross-industrial learnings.
Arnav Bhattacharya, NTSIG
Arnav is a process engineer with Shell, currently based in the Hague, Netherlands. His work focuses on projects related to LNG, liquid CO2 and liquid hydrogen. He has held various positions supporting both the design and operations of gas processing/LNG facilities for Shell and external clients.
Arnav's operations experience includes commissioning and start-up for Shell's FLNG project Australia, production engineering for an LNG regasification facility in India and technical assurance for a floating storage regas project in Netherlands. Arnav is a Chartered Member of IChemE and has recently joined the NTSIG as a volunteer, helping promote cross discipline learning.
The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Safety and Loss Prevention Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
Webinar recording
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