Process Management & Control

Webinar: Fire and Gas Detector Mapping Introduction

Webinar: Fire and Gas Detector Mapping Introduction
  • Date From 16th December 2022
  • Date To 16th December 2022
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 14:00 GMT. Duration: 1 hour.


Whilst the emphasis should always be on fire and explosion prevention, fire and gas detection is an important mitigation barrier for assets containing hydrocarbons. Fire and gas detector mapping study provides a quantitative analysis of ideal detector layouts in a project to support the design method and optimise the amount of detectors required to satisfy coverage targets.

Note that there are two principal types of detector which are commonly in use in eg off-shore installations: heat, flame and smoke, and flammable gas instruments. In this webinar you will get an introduction to carrying out a fire and gas detection mapping project, with theory and use of Insight Numerics Detect3D software.


Dr Oliver Heynes, Co-founder and Director, Insight Numerics LLC

Oliver is CEO and co-founder of Insight Numerics, a company based in Boston with a mission to improve the standard of software used for technical process safety. He pioneered the use of 3D modelling in fire and gas mapping with the development and release of Detect3D in 2013. Since its release, Detect3D has been used on hundreds of projects worldwide, by companies ranging from oil majors to small consultancies. Prior to Insight Numerics, Oliver worked in the UK and USA for MMI Engineering. Oliver has a PhD in computational fluid dynamics and MEng in aerospace engineering from The University of Manchester.

The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Process Management and Control Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

Webinar archive

This webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, but if you wish to access the slides and a recording to replay on demand then you will need to be a member of the Process Management and Control Special Interest Group.

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