Process Management & Control
Webinar: Latest Findings from the Centre for Operator Performance

- Date From 15th March 2023
- Date To 15th March 2023
- Price Free of charge, open to all.
- Location Online: 15:00 GMT. Duration: 1 hour.
The webinar will give an overview of the centre including its goals and how projects are selected and executed. Three areas of recent findings will be addressed: improved alarm sound recognition; use of storytelling for knowledge capture; operations-maintenance teaming. Future projects will be introduced.
Dave Strobhar, Chief Human Factors Engineer, Center for Operator Performance
David Strobhar founded Beville Operator Performance Specialists in 1984, which conducts human factors engineering analyses of plant modernization, operator workload and alarm/display systems for such companies as BP, Phillips, Chevron, Shell and others. Mr Strobhar was one of the founders of the Center for Operator Performance, a collaboration of operating companies, DCS suppliers and academia which researches human factors issues in process control. He is the author of Human Factors is Process Plant Operations (Momentum Press) and was the Rationalization clause co-editor for ISA SP18.2, Alarm Management for the Process Industries. Mr Strobhar has a degree in Human Factors Engineering and is a registered professional engineer in the state of Ohio.
The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Process Management and Control Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
Webinar archive
This webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, but if you wish to access the slides and a recording to replay on demand then you will need to be a member of the Process Management and Control Special Interest Group.
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