Particle Technology
Online Forum: Early Career International Particle Technology 2022

- Date From 26th May 2022
- Date To 27th May 2022
- Price From £20.00
- Location Online: 10:00 BST. Duration: 2 days.
The event will focus on the career development of early career researchers in particle technology, whilst showcasing the latest developments. It features Young Researcher of the Year and poster competitions, parallel sessions focussed on career development, plenary and invited talks and an optional CV clinic.
The event is aimed at current PhD students, post-docs, early career academics and industrial researchers in the area of particle technology or related sectors. Delegates will have the chance to present their work, hear the latest developments from select speakers and participate in parallel sessions targeting specific career directions and development opportunities of early career researchers
- Professor Anna Blakney, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
- Professor Yongliang Li, Professor in Thermal Energy Engineering, University of Birmingham
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