Palm Oil Processing
POPSIG Excelled in Youth Sustainable Project

22nd February 2022
The Delegation of EU to ASEAN
In partnership with the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, the Delegation of European Union (EU) to ASEAN had organised Youth Sustainable Project competition in 2022. Learn more about European External Action Service (EEAS) here>>
Bringing youth to the frontline
To bring ASEAN youth to the forefront of the future of ASEAN, the project aims to encourage ASEAN youth to act and bring positive impacts to society through sustainable projects in their respective areas of interest.
POPSIG succeeded
In the invitation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia, a delegation team from POPSIG joined the competition. It was honoured to declare that the POPSIG team was named as one of the Top 20 best candidates among 161 applicants for the best Youth Sustainable Project competition in 2022.
Who are we?
Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group (POPSIG) provides a forum to enable knowledge transfer, exchange of best practices and sharing experience to all that are interested in the palm oil industry. Learn more here>>
Our participating team
The competition was participated by Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) team at POPSIG, where the members comprise Oscar Ting Teo Wei (leader), Kek Ming Xuan, Melvin Wee Xin Jie and Cheah He Ming. Learn more here>>
About project
Our passion
Palm oil is Malaysia’s top agri-commodity. POPSIG aims to address factual information about palm oil to young engineers, as Malaysia contributes to about 25% of the world’s palm oil production. Through POPSIG-hosted talks and forums, we provide a platform for intellectual exchange on a wide variety of topics, including net zero, mechanisation, circular economy, responsible production, digitalisation, social environment and risk management.
Our contribution
POPSIG organises regular webinars, roadshows and forums, and in addition, awards and bursaries that benefit professionals and students who are passionate to contribute to palm oil sector. We provide equal opportunities to all social classes to showcase their creative thinking and innovative work in advancing the industry.
Our impacts
Youth empowerment
POPSIG roadshow programme bridges the gaps between institutions and industry. With MPOC's unwavering support, POPSIG encourages students to play their roles in palm oil sector, particularly on upstream and downstream processing. Our project continues to shape more young engineers to advance mechanisation and research into the net-zero palm oil.
Through webinars and roadshows, we disseminate the accurate information about the industrial practices towards the conservation of the environment and responsible production. It drives students to think practical solutions to improve production by reducing adverse environmental impacts. It is delighted to see students' final year design contributes innovations for improving environmental sustainability.
In the projects exercised by POPSIG, roadshows are constantly delivered to the student communities at no charge, so everyone has equal opportunities to learn new knowledges about palm oil and its industry. This programme has also developed critical thinking and soft skills among students, while these skills promote social health.
POPSIG activities play vital role in promoting positive social health among student communities. Through roadshow organisation, the youth can build rewarding and meaningful interpersonal relationships with each other to improve adaptiveness to social situations and to birth respect and acceptance with peers. Our programmes help the student groups to build a true, positive self at all times in all situations.
Gender equity
Gender equity is one of the UN's goals on the 2030 global agenda for sustainable development, as previous study showed that women carried out around three times more unpaid household work, child care, and elderly care compared to men. During POPSIG roadshow, speakers discuss and promote gender equity at work and encourage the formation of policies for the fairness in the society. Our programme has motivated many young women to contribute to palm oil production and industrial management.
Concluding remark
POPSIG's commitments sustain the momentum for youth empowerment. It is with full confidence that our positive contributions help the region and wider world to drive regional economic growth, reduce poverties, advance sustainability practices, moderate human-wildlife conflicts, tackle climate change and safeguard the future of the generations.
POPSIG gratefully acknowledges our sponsors to 2022 activities: Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and Desmet Ballestra (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
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