Palm Oil Processing

Webinar: MPOC Science and Sustainability Engagement Series 3: Shifting the Negative Perceptions of Palm Oil

Webinar: MPOC Science and Sustainability Engagement Series 3: Shifting the Negative Perceptions of Palm Oil
  • Date From 24th August 2021
  • Date To 24th August 2021
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 09:30 MYT. Duration: 2.5 hours.


Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC), through the Science, Environment and Sustainability Division is pleased to present our science-based webinar series to update the palm oil industry stakeholders on the latest developments in the area of sustainability, environment, health and nutrition. Experts in these fields will be invited to present on this platform regularly to create awareness and knowledge-building among industry stakeholders.

More than 3 billion people in 150 countries consume palm oil as a major source of dietary fat, making it the most consumed edible oil in the world. It is also a major ingredient in the production of cosmetics, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. Palm oil is widely used by food and non-food manufacturers because of its functional benefits, versatility and widespread availability. It has diverse functional properties as it provides a semi-solid consistency and long-term stability, performs well at high cooking temperatures and offers smooth and creamy texture. Palm oil is also neutral and odorless, making it a perfect ingredient in many recipes, and it is affordable. However, palm oil has been labelled as “unhealthy” and “hazardous” due to poor understanding of fats and oils by consumers.

The consumption of palm oil is often associated with several adverse health effects which are not substantiated. Such allegations include palm oil effect on cardiovascular health because of its high saturated fat composition and also on food security aspects due to the presence of industrial contaminants detected during the refining process. Hence, in light of these concerns, it is timely to conduct a focused webinar with experts in areas related to food, nutrition and health. This event will update participants on the issues and misconceptions that revolve around palm oil to change consumer’s negative perception towards palm oil. View poster >>


Dr Ruslan Abdullah, Director, Science, Environment and Sustainability Division, Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC).


  • Dr Prakash Adhikari, R&D Leader, Mewah R&D Solution
    Topic: Palm Oil Functionality and Versatility in Finished Food Products

  • Dr Azmil Haizam Ahmad Tarmizi, Head of Unit, Analytical and Quality Development, Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
    Topic: Palm Oil Processing and Industrial Contaminants: Mitigations, Updates and Way Forward

  • Dr Smiti Gupta, Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Wayne State University
    Topic: The Potential of Palm Phytonutrients in Cancer Management

  • Dr Jonny Bowden, Board-Certified Nutritionist
    Topic: Making Sense of Dietary Fats - The Truth about Palm Oil

Disclaimer: IChemE will not be storing or controlling any data linked to this event.

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