Palm Oil Processing

Webinar: Current Technological Development and Future Prospects of Palm Oil Industry in Malaysia

Webinar: Current Technological Development and Future Prospects of Palm Oil Industry in Malaysia
  • Date From 23rd August 2021
  • Date To 23rd August 2021
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 18:30 MYT. Duration: 1 hour.


This talk will focus on the latest key research and development to transform the palm oil industry throughout its whole value chain from the upstream plantations to the downstream oleochemical production. Efforts from each palm oil industry stakeholders to meet the various challenges in the new Industrial 4.0 and post-pandemic era as well as its future prospects will also be discussed. It will also highlight several key points on how the palm oil industry will still play a major role in the coming decades.  


Dr Steven Lim, Assistant Professor, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Steven is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia. He is also a member of the Centre for Photonics and Advanced Materials Research, Centre for Environment and Green Technology and Center for Vehicular Technology.

Steven obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 2014. His research interests revolve around devising sustainable and cost-effective methods to synthesis renewable energy (biodiesel, bioethanol and syngas) and other value-added products (bioplastic, cellulose nanofiber and triacetin) from renewable sources such as biomass.

They encompass multidisciplinary fields and research areas including heterogeneous catalytic reaction, supercritical fluids, mass transfer, kinetics, thermodynamics, engine emissions, surface area characterisation, waste water treatment, fermentation, ultrasonic reaction, microwave irradiation, process simulation and life-cycle assessment. The ultimate goal is to enable the creation of a sustainable integrated bio-refinery processing system which can transform our country’s rich agricultural resources and biomass waste into other high value bio-products in a circular economy.

Steven has published his research in high impact journals such as Bioresource Technology, Journal of Hazardous Material and Journal of Applied Energy. He is also a guest editor for the Sustainability journal.    

The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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