Environment and Clean Technology

Webinar: Best Available Techniques for 'Blue' Hydrogen Production with Carbon Capture and Storage

Webinar: Best Available Techniques for 'Blue' Hydrogen Production with Carbon Capture and Storage
  • Date From 28th September 2021
  • Date To 28th September 2021
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 10:30 BST. Duration: 1 hour.


A review of new guidance for environmental permitting of 'Blue' Hydrogen Production with CCS.

The UK environment agencies have developed guidance for the emerging techniques being proposed for production of 'blue' hydrogen - hydrogen from methane or refinery fuel gas - with associated carbon capture for storage (CCS). This presentation will describe the main techniques likely to be proposed to produce hydrogen at scale as part of the decarbonisation clusters in the UK. It will explain the findings of a review using information provided by industry to understand the potential environmental impacts whilst enabling development of new techniques to support the drive to net zero.

The webinar is aimed at process engineers, environment specialists, production and engineering managers and higher level management.


Jane Durling, Senior Advisor, Energy Team, Environment Agency

Environmental regulator for 20 years in the Environment Agency. Previously worked for ICI in fluorochemicals and chlorine production.    

The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Environment & Clean Technology Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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