Environment and Clean Technology

Webinar: BAT Guidance for Post Combustion Carbon Capture

Webinar: BAT Guidance for Post Combustion Carbon Capture
  • Date From 21st April 2021
  • Date To 21st April 2021
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 10:30 BST. Duration: 1 hour.


The UK has committed to net zero CO2 by 2050, and one of the key technologies to deliver this is carbon capture and storage. The Environment Agency has been working with Sheffield University on BAT guidance for Post Combustion Capture (PCC) for use in environmental permitting. The scope of this guidance is natural gas or biomass thermal power plants with amine based capture solvents. This webinar will discuss the conclusions of the guidance considering plant and process, potential environmental impacts and mitigating measures.

The webinar is aimed at anyone with a technical interest in carbon capture and storage, from chemical engineers and chemists to regulators and the wider public. They will get an overview of how PCC technology works, the advantages and disadvantages of different amine capture solvents, the energy requirements, potential emissions to air and how to abate them.


John Henderson, Environment Agency  

John is a Senior Advisor, Fuel & Power and is responsible for the combustion sector policy. He is currently leading on CCS and other Net Zero technologies for this sector.

John has been involved in permitting CCS since 2008, also large and medium combustion plant. He has been an environmental regulator at the EA for more than 20 years and before that he worked for 20 years in the chemical industry both organic and inorganic.

The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Environment SIG. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Environment & Clean Technology Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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