Environment and Clean Technology
Webinar: Practicalities of Electrification of Offshore Oil and Gas Production in the UK

- Date From 19th April 2022
- Date To 19th April 2022
- Price Free of charge, open to all.
- Location Online: 10:00 BST. Duration 1 hour.
The UK oil and gas industry has committed through the North Sea Transition Deal to reducing offshore emissions by 50% in 2030. To achieve this, without effectively turning off the lights, it is widely recognised that electrification will play a pivotal role. The event will discuss the scale of the challenge, the need for unprecedented collaboration across the energy sector and the practicalities of actually achieving large scale electrification within the UK offshore environment.
James McAreavey, Energy Developments Manager - EMEA Region, Xodus Group
James has over 25 years of experience in the upstream oil and gas, CCUS and hydrogen industries with a proven track record in leading projects from early concept through to final installation and operation.
Recently, James has led a number of industry leading projects investigating the opportunities for decarbonising offshore oil and gas production in the UK North Sea, including wide ranging and detailed assessments regarding the potential use of offshore wind to power new and existing oil and gas assets plus the potential overlaps with other emerging industries such as CCUS.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Environment & Clean Technology Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
Webinar archive
This webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, but if you wish to access the slides and a recording to replay on demand then you'll need to be a member of the Midlands Members Group.
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