Environment and Clean Technology

Webinar: Environmental Challenges - Nigerian Refinery

Webinar: Environmental Challenges - Nigerian Refinery
  • Date From 4th November 2021
  • Date To 4th November 2021
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 10:30 GMT. Duration: 1 hour.


Refineries activities are impacting our environment negatively and, have become a global concern because of the existential greenhouse gases, and other pollutants they emit. It has become necessary to mandate refineries to abate this negative trend in the period to 2050 to meet the zero-carbon goal. This requirement is brokering major challenges for the Refineries and this webinar aims to engage stakeholders to take action and meet these challenges, by way of a roadmap which includes but is not limited to policies, standards, investments, design, new and improved technologies and techniques they can develop/deploy to mitigate the challenges.

This webinar is for everyone concerned about our environment and climate change. The webinar would highlight how fossil fuel refineries in their operations, and acts may be mitigated to positively impact the drive to reduced carbon in the period to 2050 and beyond. This webinar would detail some of the challenges of a typical Nigerian Refinery, and in effect inform on the basic concerns of many refineries worldwide and the opportunities there in, along with what chemical engineers and other stake holders - particularly Refiners, System Designers, HSE, Researchers, Patentors, Investors/Entrepreneurs, Geologists, Students, Governments, Environmental Groups and Other Interested Parties, may sustainably engage in, communicate, effect and gain in the run to deliver safer and environmentally friendly operations in our refineries, especially in the run up to energy transition to renewables.

This webinar would help to rethink refineries - their value, economics, resourcefulness, and aim to stir, steer and direct the action, effort and apt-road mapping required to mitigate the common but different and varying refinery emission and pollution challenges. This webinar hopes to reengage all of us, and encourage us in our jobs, portfolios, positions, and projects to really tackle climate change in our small and big ways - by thinking through, providing and engaging the appropriate roadmap to reduce GHG and other refinery emissions to very low levels and consequently counter the increasing and potentially disastrous global temperatures. It would provide insight into refineries operations, techniques, emerging technologies and policies that can be sequenced and, engaged toward the zero-carbon goal.

Attend this webinar Environmental Challenges - Nigerian Refinery on 4th November 2021 and in contemplation, enjoy insights into the world of refineries and our environment and how everyone can be in the road map to meeting the environmental challenges some way and make a difference.


Dr Oluwatoyin Fatona, Director, Nouveau Technologies & Associates Ltd.

Oluwatoyin, right from her application and admission in the late 1970s to the University of Surrey has been an ardent chemical engineer with an acute interest in research, design and systems development for the social advancement, health and economic wellbeing of man. Oluwatoyin graduated from the University of Surrey with a BSc (Hons) in chemical engineering, in 1982, followed many years later, by an MSc in computer integrated manufacturing, Cranfield Institute of Technology, now Cranfield University, and a PhD in chemical engineering from Imperial College London. On completion at Surrey University, Oluwatoyin joined the Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation and worked in the refineries as a process engineer and plant supervisor for over five years and later as a consulting chemical engineer for several years with other companies. Oluwatoyin is keen on standards, design and in-depth analysis of systems, and is a huge advocate for education, continuous improvement, change, and development for all. She currently works and consults in R&D and facility development. Her research interests centre on new materials, technology, and development. Oluwatoyin is a Director of Nouveau Technologies and Associates Ltd, an engineering and consulting company she co-founded in 1991.

The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Environment & Clean Technology Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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