Environment and Clean Technology
Student and early careers prizes
What is the aim of the prize?
To reward student and early career members of IChemE for an outstanding report or publication on a topic that is relevant to the Environment and Clean Technology Special Interest Group.
Who is it awarded to?
The student prize is awarded for the best project report by an individual or team. Entrants must be members of IChemE who are currently enrolled on an IChemE-accredited engineering programme or who graduated from such a programme within 12 months of the submission deadline.
The early career prize is awarded for an outstanding published article by an individual or team in a recognised English-language journal or industry magazine. The lead author and other entrants must be early career members of IChemE. ‘Early career’ refers to a member who is currently registered for a Masters or Doctoral degree, or who graduated with a Doctoral degree within 10 years of the submission deadline, or with a Masters or equivalent degree within 15 years of the submission deadline (excluding career breaks).
How is the winner decided?
The assessors are members of the Special Interest Group Committee, who will consider the relevance, originality, methodology, scientific and potential long-term impact, and quality of presentation of the report or publication.
The report or publication must be aligned with the objectives of the Special Interest Group (SIG); these include promoting the application of chemical engineering principles and practice to protect and improve the environment, and investigation and design development for environmental protection, pollution prevention and control.
What is the prize and how many are awarded?
For each category, the prize is GBP500. Where the report or publication has multiple authors who meet the eligibility criteria, the prize money will be distributed equally between eligible entrants.
In addition, winners will be offered the opportunity to discuss their career development with a suitable member of the SIG or SIG Committee.
How do I enter?
Deadline for submission: 31 October 2024, 23:59 GMT.
Complete the application form and email a copy of the report or publication (maximum 3,000 words, written in English) to specialinterestgroups@icheme.org with the subject ‘ECT SIG prize’.
Download the assessment criteria and guidance on the document content >>