
Research Project Practice: Experience with Large Class Sizes and Future Outlook

Research Project Practice: Experience with Large Class Sizes and Future Outlook
  • Date From 11th December 2018
  • Date To 11th December 2018
  • Price From £40.00
  • Location University of Cambridge, Dept of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, CEB, Philippa Fawcett, West Cambridge Site, CB3 0AS


This workshop aims to bring together representatives of chemical engineering institutions, industrialist and students to discuss good practice in research project teaching and assessment (both in MEng and MSc programmes), in the context of recently experienced large student numbers resulting in increased resource demands in terms of supervision and material resources for projects.

Good practice learnt from this and future outlook will be discussed. Brief presentations from academics, students, industrialists and IChemE will provide an overview of the current practice in this area. 

The workshop is intended for any academic or industrialist with an interest in chemical engineering education.

The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Education Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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