
Webinar: Web Interactive Tool - A New Approach in Undergraduate Teaching

Webinar: Web Interactive Tool - A New Approach in Undergraduate Teaching
  • Date From 29th October 2020
  • Date To 29th October 2020
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 09:30 GMT. Duration: 1 hour.


The webinar provides an insight of different web interactive tools (WIT) and the impact of the tools in teaching Chemical Engineering undergraduate students. It will include introduction of the WIT, the purpose of using them, their individual applications and the impacts of the tools on different level of students (foundation and undergraduates). The introduction of these tools may be of interest to current educators, who are planning to venture into innovative teaching and attempt to improve classroom interactions between lecturer and students of the Gen-Z.


Tiong Timm Joyce, University of Nottingham, Malaysia

Dr Joyce Tiong obtained her PhD in 2012, from the University of Bath, United Kingdom. She then returned to Malaysia and served as a lecturer at the University of Nottingham Malaysia. Her research area focuses on different applications and the chemistry of the utilisation of ultrasound, which is applied in the field of dentistry, catalysis, cleaning and so on. Apart from her research, she has also developed interest in teaching innovation. As such, she is currently holding a faculty position as the Deputy to the Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning, in view of hoping to advance and improve the current tertiary education system. Apart from that, she and a group of colleagues have been actively pursuing their research in teaching and learning. One of their project areas focuses on improving teaching interaction with the younger generations, such as the incorporation of different web-based tools to improve the teaching quality with the Gen-Z.

The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Education Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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