Western Australia (AU)
JCEC (WA) Postgraduate Research Excellence Award

- Date From 26th March 2019
- Date To 26th March 2019
- Location Engineers Australia WA Auditorium - 712 Murray Street, West Perth, 6005
On behalf of IChemE and Engineers Australia, the Joint Chemical Engineering Committee (JCEC) would like to invite you to the sixth annual postgraduate research competition. The competition aims to showcase the latest in chemical engineering research being conducted by postgraduate students in WA.
One finalist from Curtin University, The University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan University, and Murdoch University will be selected to represent their institution. It is up to the university to nominate a postgraduate student to represent their institution.
Event format
After a brief introduction, each finalist will give a presentation (approximately fifteen minutes) regarding their research and its significance to the chemical engineering field. Preceding this, a short Q&A (approximately 5 minutes) will be had to allow the audience to ask any questions regarding the presenter’s research. It will be judged by an independent panel of engineers using four criteria:
- presentation
- significance to chemical engineering
- application in industry
- novelty.
There will be a small networking event preceding the final presentation during which the judges will deliberate and present the award. Catering and refreshments will be provided.
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