Tyneside (UK)
StuBrew Tour and Pub Quiz

- Date From 22nd August 2019
- Date To 22nd August 2019
- Price £5 IChemE members / £5 IChemE student members / £15 non-members
- Location StuBrew, School of Engineering, Merz Court, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
We would like to welcome all of our IChemE members and guests to experience StuBrew.
StuBrew is Europe’s first student-run microbrewery based at Newcastle University. It first launched in August 2013 and is capable of producing around 1000L of product per batch.
This event will consist of a Brewery Tour followed by beer tasting of StuBrew's very own six different products and a Pub Quiz with prizes.
You will also receive a complimentary StuBrew glass as a souvenir.
Please feel free to enter your pub quiz team of max. 6 people or worry not, we will make up a number of teams on the day.
What better way to start your August Bank Holiday weekend? We would be delighted if you could join us!
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