Tyneside (UK)
Tyneside Process Safety Forum

- Date From 18th January 2023
- Date To 18th January 2023
- Price From free.
- Location King George's Lecture Theatre, Newcastle University.
IChemE Tyneside Member Group cordially invite you to their process safety forum to engage with industry experts to discuss the DSEAR Compliance. As chemical engineers we have a thorough understanding of the concept of Hazardous Area Classification. Most of the assessments in the industry are limited to zones shown on layout drawings. However, we can further strengthen the assessments by clearly detailing the methodology and justifying the selection of zones. Take part in this forum to understand the industry best practices.
This event is especially relevant for engineers who have to deal with Hazardous Area Classification and Students.
Discussion Themes:
- EAZe® Process for Hazardous Area Classification of Multipurpose Chemical Plants
- Ignition Sources review during HAZOP
- Material Characterisation and Non-Electrical Ignition Sources Risk Assessment
- Prashanth Shivakumar, PSK Pharma Solutions Limited, UK
- Stephen Beedle, ABB Consulting, UK
- Sam Ayres / Chirag Seth, Sigma HSE, UK
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters' own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Tyneside Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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