North Scotland (UK)

Young people

The aim of the North Scotland IChemE Young Member Group is to create a network of young engineers working in Aberdeen and to forge links between those in industry and the university students. Any chemical or process engineer either at the university or in the first 10 years of their career is eligible.

Although the group is relatively new, formed in mid 2011, we have had a number of well attended social events this year. An informal cheese and wine evening was also held at Aberdeen University with a number of presentations given to 4th and 5th year chemical engineering students by graduate engineers on the subject of this is my job and this is what I do every day.

For this year, we have a number of ideas for events, including a formal dinner, an assessment centre and CV review workshop for university students and a team building day, in addition to regular social events.

The committee is always looking for volunteers and event ideas. If you would like to become involved in the sub-committee, please contact: