North Scotland (UK)

Careers and education

The aim of the schools liaison subcommittee is to promote chemical engineering to secondary school pupils in the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire area that are about to enter into higher education. We promote the course through a programme called DiscoverChemEng.

Throughout the academic year we attend individual schools career fairs or larger fairs such as the Grampian Higher Education Convention. We will have a stand that allow pupils to come and obtain more information about chemical engineering, the various career opportunities or find out what life as a chemical engineer is about. In addition to this, we also give presentations to schools to raise awareness of the course.

The committee has several members and there is a network of schools volunteers that are paired up to certain schools. The role of the paired volunteers is to be the school’s main IChemE contact and keep the IChemE up-to-date with any events that will be happening.

The committee is always looking for volunteers and if you would like to become involved in the sub-committee or paired up with a particular school, please get in touch with Shreya Tripathi.