North Scotland (UK)

About us

The North Scotland Member Group exists to serve the members located in Aberdeen and the surrounding area. It draws its membership from a variety of industries - not just the oil and gas sector but also paper, brewing, spirits, chemicals and academia.

The group organises a programme of events each year, focused around the themes of:

  • technical events, both evening presentations and seminars
  • schools liaison
  • social events
  • mentoring, including Get Chartered, mentor training and interviewer training
  • young members.

Get involved

The North Scotland Member Group welcomes ideas and support to assist in delivering our programme of events. This can be as simple as making suggestions for future events through to becoming a member of the committee and helping to organise our events.

Coming along to one of our events can be an illuminating experience, but is also a chance to meet other engineers in a relaxed setting; a great networking opportunity.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee, or would just to make some suggestions, please contact one of the committee members.

We are also looking for people to get involved in our schools' liaison activities, which involve visiting schools to give talks or to support careers events. If you can help, please contact our schools' liaison co-ordinator, Shreya Tripathi.


The North Scotland Member Group welcomes feedback from members about the events and services it provides. Please send your feedback to our chair, Matt Hastings or to our secretary Dario Pozza.

Joining instructions

Access to this group is a member exclusive benefit. To join the group and receive notifications of activities, log in and click the 'Join Group' button at the top of the page.

Contact us

Need some help? Contact us through our member group support team.

Visit us on Facebook and LinkedIn.