North and West Yorkshire (UK)
North and West Yorkshire Member Group Annual Meeting and Smeaton300 Presentation

- Date From 21st February 2024
- Date To 21st February 2024
- Price Free of charge, open to all.
- Location Aqua Consultants, Minerva House, 29 East Parade, Leeds, LS1 5PS and online via Teams.
You are invited to attend the North and West Yorkshire Member Group annual meeting. We encourage all members based in the region to attend, particularly those who wish to support our activities or have questions that you would like to put directly to the committee. There will also be the facility to join online. Food and refreshments will be provided.
We will be joined by Abby Dix-Mason from Foxglove talking through Smeaton300, a creative events programme inspired by the work of Leeds born John Smeaton, the UK’s first Civil Engineer.
You are also invited to join us afterwards at All Bar One to socialise with your fellow IChemE colleagues.
Committee vacancies
Nominations are now open for the roles of Chair and General Committee Member. We request that all those submitting nominations attend the annual meeting.
Please note that all committee members must be a current member of IChemE and for the position of Chair must also be a current Chartered Chemical Engineer at Member or Fellow grade, or in rare cases actively working towards Chartered Membership.
Adam Cullen, Chair, North & West Yorkshire Members Group
Adam graduated from the University of Birmingham having undertaken an industrial placement at Severn Trent Water. He has since moved northwards to Yorkshire where he works as an Asset Management & Process Engineering Consultant to the utilities sector and is looking forward to reestablishing a network of IChemE members across the region.
Abby Dix-Mason, Co-Director, Foxglove
Smeaton300 has been developed by Abby Dix-Mason and Jane Earnshaw from Foxglove. The programme begins in 2023, Leeds Year of Culture and completes during the tricentenary of John Smeaton’s birth in 2024.
The material presented at this event has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters' own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the North and West Yorkshire Members Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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