North and West Yorkshire (UK)
Events archive
Mock Interviews at Leeds University
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
The North and West Yorkshire Members Group is looking to hold an employability workshop at Leeds University. This will consist of conducting CV reviews and mock interviews with students on campus.
Hot Wings and Hot Topics
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
Enjoy a series of short 10-minute presentations. Our local speakers will be sharing what they are currently working on, challenges they face and problems they have encountered.
Drax Power Station Visit
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
Site visit to Drax Power Station & Networking Refreshments
North and West Yorkshire Member Group Annual Meeting and Smeaton300 Presentation
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
The North and West Yorkshire Member Group invite you to join them for their Annual Meeting.
Webinar: National Early Career Committee (NECC) Annual Meeting
All Ireland
The IChemE National Early Career Committee UK&I will be holding its Annual General Meeting, fostering collaboration and professional growth.
Get Chartered
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
A presentation on Chartered Status by IChemE's North and West Yorkshire Member Group
Leeds Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF) - Site Visit
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
Join us to go behind he scenes of the Leeds Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility.
Webinar: NECC Get Chartered
North Scotland (UK)
A Get Chartered webinar for graduates and early careers members.
Webinar: Celebrating Women in Engineering Day
North Scotland (UK)
A webinar to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day.
Sustainable Steam Systems
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
Please join the NWYMG for a high-level presentation on Steam and Sustainability.
Annual Meeting
North and West Yorkshire (UK)
You are invited to attend the North and West Yorkshire Members Group Annual Meeting.
Webinar: PhD and Academia
All Ireland
NECC PhD focused meeting looking at the benefits of a PhD for a future career in academia.