New Zealand
Decarbonising Process Heat Webinar
20th November 2019
On 23 October 2019, the Wellington branch of IChemE held a well-attended workshop titled 'Decarbonising Process Heat'. This event was inspired by Transpower's Process Heat paper and launch event, which shows how process heat can be electrified. The aim of this workshop was to educate the industry on this topic and catalyse collaboration to help shape projects.
Three speakers gave insightful presentations on the future of electrification and the use of renewable fuels in industry, as follows:
- Andrew Renton set the scene from Transpower’s perspective and showed that supplying electricity to large process sites is business as usual;
- Stephen Drew, of SRD Consulting, presented a high-level overview of the history of process heat in New Zealand and what is happening globally. He showed that New Zealand have had large-scale electric process heat before and advertised his training course on process heat.
- Gerald Crawford of DETA Consulting Ltd, gave a detailed overview of the process heat sector highlighting the achievements, barriers and opportunities.
The presentation was followed by a Panel Session, which has many policy related questions, and networking over refreshments.
The event was well attended with 37 people, largely from Transpower, engineering consultancies, Government and a broad range of energy and technology companies. The event was arranged by Kyle Nicol, hosted by Beca thanks to Harsharan Singh, and sponsored by Engineering New Zealand thanks to Kennie Tsui, and IChemE thanks to Greig Wilson. Consideration is being given to a follow-up event with input from policy makers and industry.
Watch the Decarbonising Process Head - An Engineering Perspective webinar >>
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