Manchester (UK)
Save The Date: Mock Arbitration "The Plant that Didn't Work" - Postponed

- Dates TBC
- Location University of Manchester - Exact Location TBC
Please note that this event has been postponed.
The IChemE Manchester Members Group invites you to a Mock Arbitration.
Preliminary case details
ICP (Multimab) Ltd v SDC Ltd
ICP (Multimab) Ltd have claimed £18.7 million losses as a result of fraudulent misrepresentation, wilful default, breach of contract, and/or negligence by SDC Ltd; and that they have been coerced into agreeing a contract variation under economic duress. SDC deny these claims and have entered their own Counterclaim of £225,000 for delay.
The Contract between the parties, for a £6 million turnkey distillation unit, includes a dispute resolution clause; that all disputes will be resolved finally by arbitration.
The arbitration process reaches its conclusion with a hearing, followed by an arbitral award on the evening of the 30th April.
At the hearing, counsel for both parties will make brief opening statements, cross-examine two fact and two expert witnesses, and make closing submissions.
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