Manchester (UK)

Pilsworth Air Storage Facility visit

Pilsworth Air Storage Facility visit
  • Date From 29th November 2018
  • Date To 29th November 2018
  • Price Free
  • Location Pilsworth Road, Bury, BL9 8QZ


I’m sure many of you will have read and watched with interest the opening of Highview Power’s new Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) plant at project partner, Viridor’s Pilsworth landfill gas facility in North Manchester. This is the world’s-first grid-scale LAES plant and offers the opportunity to store surplus electricity for use at times of high demand and will play a key role in the move to a low-carbon, renewable and secure electricity supply.

This facility was opened formally earlier this year to much fanfare in the press and media. The Manchester IChemE branch would like to invite its members to a briefing by Johnny Cochrane, Lead Process Development Engineer, and a tour of site at 14:00 on the 29 November 2018. The visit should last for around two hours.

As the site is operational, visitors should bring their own PPE: Safety boots, safety glasses, gloves, hi-vis, and hard hat. Numbers are strictly limited and demand to see this unique installation is expected to be high, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

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