Visit to Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)

21st August 2020
On Tuesday 11 August, members of the Board (2020-2021) led by its Chair Professor Ir Dr Law Chung Lim, paid a courtesy visit to Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) at JKR Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur.
Discussions covered current headlines such as applications for continuing professional development (CPD) points, route three to Professional Engineer (PE) registration, conducting courses and promoting route three and special route for PE, Professional Engineer with Practising Certificate (PEPC) (Chemical) to CEng (from Engineering Council UK) and MIChemE.
Law provided some information regarding IChemE members in Malaysia. There are:
- total 3497 members in Malaysia
- 385 Chartered members, increasing at about 10-12% annually
- 2020 IChemE events and activity in Malaysia
- 16 student chapters across the universities
- 9 special interest group.
Front row, left to right: Ir Dr Megat Zuhairy bin Megat Tajuddin, Registrar of BEM; Professor Ir Megat Johari bin Megat Mohd Noor, BEM - Chairman of E&Q; Professor Ir Dr Law Chung Lim, Chair; Ir Rafil Elyas, Deputy Chair.
Back row, left to right: Ir Mohd Noramil bin Mohd Daril, Executive Director of BEM; Ir Zainab Kayat, Honorary Treasurer; Dr Ragunath Bharath; Professor Chan Eng Seng; Ir Dr Christina Phang, Immediate Past Chair, Ir Yong Yoke Choon, IChemE Congress Representative.
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