
Webinar: Novel Occupational Hearing Conservation Index (OHCI) System to Enhance Hearing Conservation Programme in Preventing Hearing Loss Among Young Adults.

Webinar: Novel Occupational Hearing Conservation Index (OHCI) System to Enhance Hearing Conservation Programme in Preventing Hearing Loss Among Young Adults.
  • Date From 24th February 2022
  • Date To 24th February 2022
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 15:00 MYT. Duration: 1 hour.


Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) continue to be the most reported occupational disease worldwide. Most governments around the world have enacted laws to control noise exposure in the workplace through hearing conservation programme (HCP). However, the absence of a mechanism to manage HCP and poor hearing protection practices among industrial workers thwart this effort. The idea behind this innovation is to develop a holistic NIHL intervention product that can manage HCP, improve hearing protection practices and generate a novel graphical index for HCP compliance.

Occupational hearing conservation index (OHCI) system was developed by combining eight components which provides a comprehensive coverage of hearing conservation program. The system can be used to calculate the level of compliance and generate an octagonal novel index system. Additional feature of this product is an active real time noise detection via wireless audiometer and can be monitor through smart phone. Data recorded in OHCI system can be use as compliance evidence for noise exposure regulation. As an intervention device, a hearing protection warning system is also included.


Ir Dr Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Senior Lecturer, University Malaya

Ir Dr Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam is a senior lecturer in the Chemical Engineering Department, University Malaya. At present, she is the programme coordinator for Masters of Safety, Health and Environment Engineering. She received her BEng (chemical) and MEngSc (chemical) from University Malaya in 2003 and 2007 respectively. She completed her PhD (chemical engineering) in Newcastle University, United Kingdom in 2013. She is a Professional Engineer registered in Board of Engineers Malaysia (2019) and a Chartered Engineer registered in Engineering Council, UK (2018).

She is a Member of Institution of Engineers Malaysia (MIEM) (2019) and Institute of Chemical Engineering Malaysia (MIChemE)(2018). Prior to academic position, she has worked in the water industry as a technical and project engineer. In her academic career, she has published academic journals and conference papers, engaged in industrial consultations and presented invited talks. Her research interests are advanced process control and optimisation in bioprocesses, waste recovery and management; environment health and quantitative risk assessment.

The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Malaysia Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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This webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, but if you wish to access the slides and a recording to replay on demand then you'll need to be a member of the Malaysia Member Group.

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