
Webinar: Sustainable Biomass Supply Chain Modelling 101

Webinar: Sustainable Biomass Supply Chain Modelling 101
  • Date From 15th July 2022
  • Date To 15th July 2022
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 17:30 MYT. Duration: 1 hour.


Supply chain synthesis is a crucial step to ensure sustainability and feasibility of a business model, including biomass-based industries. As the world is encountering severe climate impacts that can no longer be unseen, featuring sustainable and feasible production alternatives such as biomass waste-to-wealth pathways are deemed essential.

Engineers nowadays need to acquire relevant supply chain modelling knowledge and skills so that they are capable of solving the "tomorrows problems" that we are likely to encounter today. In this workshop, few common supply chain problems are demonstrated to offer a fundamental yet important concept related to supply chain modelling. It is a guide for researchers or engineers who are new to supply chain modelling.


How Bing Shen, Senior Lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak

As a senior lecturer at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak (SUTS) Campus, How Bing Shen is diligent in higher education and committed to his profession. He joined SUTS in 2019 after completing his PhD degree at the University of Nottingham Malaysia. His current research interests include biomass supply chain, resource conservation network, process simulation, and optimization, etc. With his excellent track record in publication and the significant contributions made to the community, he has won the Young Researcher Award at both the 2021 IChemE Malaysia Awards and 2021 IChemE Global Awards. Dr How also holds editorships in Frontiers in Sustainability (Associate Editor), MDPI Sustainability (Guest Editor), and Carbon Resources Conversion (Guest Editor).

The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Malaysia Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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This webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, but if you wish to access the slides and a recording to replay on demand then you'll need to be a member of the Malaysia Member Group.

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