London and South East Coast (UK)

Webinar: Introducing Stages 1, 2 and 3 in the New Membership Processes

Webinar: Introducing Stages 1, 2 and 3 in the New Membership Processes
  • Date From 22nd March 2021
  • Date To 22nd March 2021
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 08:00 GMT, 12:00 GMT, 16:00 MYT/AWST, 20:00 MYT/AWST, 18:00 AEST, 19:00 AEDT, 21:00 NZT. Duration 1 hour.


IChemE’s membership processes and related systems are being upgraded as we’re introducing a new application process for Chartered membership. New Chartered Member applications from those who would have previously been required to submit a Technical Report will instead benefit from our new Individual Case Procedure which provides greater recognition of the knowledge and understanding applicants have gained outside of IChemE accredited qualifications.

Applicants who have not completed an IChemE Accredited Company Training Scheme will need to have their Initial Professional Development (IPD) assessed. Pilot applicants who have undergone this have found it beneficial. Our new application system will be available from April 2021.

If you are considering applying for IChemE Chartered Membership we strongly recommend that you attend one of these webinars or watch the subsequent recording.

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