London and South East Coast (UK)

Meantime Brewery Tour

Meantime Brewery Tour
  • Date From 20th April 2023
  • Date To 20th April 2023
  • Price £15.00 (including tutored tasting)
  • Location Meantime Brewery Ltd. Lawrence Trading Estate, Blackwall Lane, London SE10 0AR


The IChemE London & South East Coast Members Group invites you to attend a tour of Meantime’s Brewery.

Meantime Brewing Company is a brewery based in Greenwich, London, England, and owned by Japan's Asahi Breweries with a philosophy of genuine quality and genuine choice. Time is essential to Meantime beers, therefore we ask you to be punctual.

We will be meeting at Meantime’s Brewery and all attendees will have a chance to network together over a drink just before and after the tour!

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