London and South East Coast (UK)

Webinar: London and South East Coast Members Group Annual Meeting

Webinar: London and South East Coast Members Group Annual Meeting
  • Date From 16th March 2022
  • Date To 16th March 2022
  • Price Free of charge, open to all.
  • Location Online: 18:30 GMT. Duration: 30 minutes.


The London and South East Coast Members Group invites you to join them online for their Annual Meeting. The Annual (virtual) Meeting will cover the appointment to elected posts. There will be no speaker this year.

An abbreviated monthly committee meeting will then follow.

Intended audience: all IChemE members based in the London and South East Coast catchment area.


Nominations are now open for Secretary, Treasurer, Start-up Company Co-ordinator, Webmaster, Outreach Co-ordinator and Mentor Coordinator. Role Descriptors with more information for the Secretary and Treasurer positions will be made available on the volunteering opportunities page.

Please note that all committee members must be a current member of IChemE, and for the position of Treasurer must also be a Chartered or Fellow Member (the committee may consider nominations from those actively working towards Chartered Membership). 


Pablo Garcia-Trinanes, Chair, London and South East Coast Members Group.


The meeting presentation agenda will be as follows:

  • welcome and general introduction
  • review of years activities
  • election of committee members
  • closing.

The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the London and South East Members Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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