London and South East Coast Young (UK)
Get Chartered for Industry

- Date From 19th February 2020
- Date To 19th February 2020
- Price Free of charge and open to all
- Location Theatre Room, October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AL
The London and South East Young Member's Forum (L&SYMF) is pleased to invite you to an evening about the chartership process focused on our industry members. This presentation will provide you with the information, tools and support to make the Chartered Chemical Engineer application process clear and easy to map out for your individual circumstances.
The following topics will be discussed:
- requirements for Chartered status
- the level and assessment process
- knowledge and understanding
- professional experience
- report writing guidance
- interview advice
- general tips for success.
Take advantage of the opportunity to meet fellow chemical engineers in the area and talk to IChemE.
Heather Black, IChemE's Regional Support Executive.
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