London and South East Coast Young (UK)
Webinar: Let's Talk About Mental Health and Safety

- Date From 3rd March 2021
- Date To 3rd March 2021
- Price Free of charge, open to all.
- Location Online: 18:00 GMT. Duration: 1 hour.
Work-related mental issues are stubbornly high and not falling. Suicides are also not reducing.
Many organisations have a commitment to mental health but, although necessary, it isn’t sufficient. There is, though, an excellent example of improvement and that is the reduction in work-place injuries and fatalities since the introduction of the Health & Safety at Work, etc. Act in 1974.
It’s noticeable that many organisations which apply rigorous processes to preventing physical injuries are less careful about avoiding mental injuries. My thesis is, therefore, that we should apply many of those successful “safety” techniques to preventing mental damage. I call this “mental safety”.
This webinar is aimed at young professionals and students of chemical engineering living in London and the South East of England.
Nigel Bowker, Blackhall Consulting
Nigel Bowker graduated with a degree in chemical engineering from Imperial College, London, in 1976. He also has an MBA from the University of Aberdeen. He worked as a process engineer for two firms of engineering design contractors and then for Shell. He was then employed by BP for 22 years.
Since 2008, he has been an independent consultant specialising in process safety. More recently he has developed the concept of mental safety and published a book “Let’s talk about mental safety”. He chaired the Aberdeen Member Group of the IChemE for three years.
The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the London and South East Coast Young Members Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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