Central Scotland (UK)
Scottish Member Group Presentation on Chemical Engineering Industries

- Date From 16th August 2022
- Date To 16th August 2022
- Price Free of charge, open to all.
- Location Grant Seminar Room JW408, University of Strathclyde James Weir Building 75 Montrose Street GLASGOW G1 1XJ.
Scottish Members Group presents our first post-COVID in-person event which will have two guest speakers from the chemical engineering community in Scotland. This event is also a networking opportunity for new and existing members from various industries. We would also be delighted to hear from anyone within the membership who is willing to assist the Committee either by volunteering or hosting future events.
Mark Anderson, Senior Process Engineer, ESD
Mark is a Senior Process Engineer within the ESD design team supporting Scottish Water in their SR15/SR21 delivery program on water and wastewater projects. Prior to this he worked for Veolia supporting and optimising their PFI operations across the UK. He has strong practical experience on wastewater operations, control and design.
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