Central Scotland (UK)
Events archive
Past events organised by the Central Scotland Member Group.
Scottish Member Group Get Chartered and Networking Event
Central Scotland (UK)
You are invited to attend a Get Chartered event, hosted by the IChemE Scottish Member Group.
Scottish Member Group: Annual Meeting
Central Scotland (UK)
You are invited to attend our annual meeting, featuring a guest presentation from local industry on emergent technology, as well as review of the year's activity from the group.
Disastrous Dinners - Oilfield Explosion
Central Scotland (UK)
You are invited to attend 2024's first disastrous dinner.
Webinar: National Early Career Committee (NECC) Annual Meeting
All Ireland
The IChemE National Early Career Committee UK&I will be holding its Annual General Meeting, fostering collaboration and professional growth.
Webinar: Reliable Flow of Powders from Bins, Hoppers and Feeders
Central Scotland (UK)
A one-hour webinar from the Scottish Member Group.
Webinar: NECC Get Chartered
North Scotland (UK)
A Get Chartered webinar for graduates and early careers members.
Scottish Member Group: Annual Meeting 2023
Central Scotland (UK)
You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the IChemE Scottish Member Group.
Webinar: PhD and Academia
All Ireland
NECC PhD focused meeting looking at the benefits of a PhD for a future career in academia.
Webinar: IChemE NECC UK&I 2022–23 Annual Meeting
London and South East Coast (UK)
An annual meeting to elect members of the 2022–2023 National Early Careers Committee for the UK and Ireland, followed by guest speakers.
Scottish Member Group Presentation on Chemical Engineering Industries
Central Scotland (UK)
Scottish Member Group presents our first post-COVID in-person event which will have two guest speakers from the chemical engineering community in Scotland.
Webinar: Scottish Member Group Annual Meeting
Central Scotland (UK)
The Scottish Member Group invites you to join them online for their Annual Meeting.
Webinar: The Neuroscience of Cognitive Bias and the Impact on Performance and Decision-making
North Lancashire (UK)
A one-hour webinar organised by North Lancashire Members Group.