Central Scotland (UK)
About us
The Central Scotland Member Group has been established to serve the majority of Scotland excluding the North East which is served by the North Scotland Member Group.
The main objectives of the group are to:
- promote professional development and networking opportunities for our members, via a range of specially organised events, comprising site visits, lectures, seminars and social events
- assist members who are progressing towards Chartered membership to access additional support such as mentoring schemes, seminars and ‘Get Chartered’ sessions
- promote the IChemE, and the professions of chemical, process and environmental engineering throughout the Scottish region, particularly through schools/university liaison, outreach projects and careers events.
Where to find us:
To find out more about our activities, enjoy a talk or a visit or perhaps get involved, please join is on LinkedIn or Facebook.
Get involved
Participation in the Central Scotland Member Group offers a number of opportunities – key benefits of membership include:
- the chance to establish and broaden contact bases through social events and networking opportunities
- the opportunity to attend valuable professional development events such as site visits, lectures and seminars
- the opportunity to become involved in promotion of our profession through outreach activities and participation as an active committee member and contributor.
Prospective new members are most welcome and are encouraged to join and/or support the committee. If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee, or alternatively if you would like to offer some ideas/suggestions, please contact one of the committee members.
Joining instructions
Access to this group is a member exclusive benefit. To join the group and receive notifications of activities, log in and click the 'Join Group' button at the top of the page.
Contact us
Need some help? Contact us through our member group support team.