Research and Innovation Community of Practice

Webinar: Research and Innovation Community of Practice Annual Meeting

Webinar: Research and Innovation Community of Practice Annual Meeting
  • Date From 20th October 2021
  • Date To 20th October 2021
  • Location Online: 09:00 BST. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.


The R&I CoP’s first annual meeting took place allowing members to hear updates on the CoP’s activity, meet the volunteers making up the leadership group and watch the presentation of Sharma Medal winner, Paula Mendes.


  1. Introduction to the R&I CoP leadership group
  2. Update from the Chair, Emma McLeod, on what the R&I CoP has done in 2021 and the CoP’s strategy
  3. Working group updates

    • Chemical Engineering Impact in Australia and New Zealand brochure
    • Challenging Perceptions in Chemical Engineering Research blog and brochure
    • Entrepreneurship Networking series
  4. Q&A session for the R&I CoP
  5. Awarding of the 2021 Sharma Medal
  6. Professor Paula Mendes presents her work on smart sensor chips for cell therapy bioprocessing and early cancer diagnosis
  7. Q&A session for Professor Paula Mendes

Committee vacancies

At the meeting five committee member vacancies were appointed:

  • Solomon Brown, Committee Member
  • Wenqian Chen, Committee Member
  • Izabela Gladkowska, Committee Member
  • Fabricio Marques, Committee Member
  • Gerard Stephens, Committee Member


Professor Paula Mendes, Professor of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Birmingham

Paula Mendes is a Professor of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology in the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK. Professor Mendes presented her work on smart sensor chips for cell therapy bioprocessing and early cancer diagnosis that contributed to her winning of the 2021 Sharma Medal.


09:00–10:30 BST.

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