Why do we need female engineers? #INWED17

Why do we need female engineers? #INWED17

23rd June 2017

Why do we need female engineers? 

It's a simple, in some ways controversial question, that we put out to IChemE members a couple of weeks ago to mark today's International Women In Engineering Day.

We received a fantastic response from chemical engineers working all over the world - take a look at them below and stay tuned on Twitter where we will be sharing them throughout the day.

How will you or your organisation be celebrating gender diversity today?

Get involved

Join us on Twitter throughout the day when we'll be sharing #INWED17 activity from around the globe, and tweeting the member responses.

You can join in the discussion too. Tell us how you are celebrating the day by using #INWED17, and shine a light on the women engineers at your organisation – #RaisingProfiles

And don’t forget this year’s theme – #MenAsAllies. If you’re a male engineer, how are you helping to improve gender diversity, and why do you think it’s important?