Green chemistry offers solution to plastic and polyester recycling – IChemE Business Start-up Award Winner 2018

5th July 2019
Winner of the IChemE Global Awards 2018 in the Business Start-up category was Green Lizards Technologies, for their project, GLT’s Journey from Creation to Commercialisation.
As a university spin-out company with expertise in the chemical, energy and recycling industries, Green Lizards Technologies are paving the way with their innovative idea of combining green chemistry and chemical engineering, to find a practical solution and offer plastic recycling and polyester recycling in a safe and efficient manner.
In this video, find out more from the team on their mission to create a unique space in clean energy and sustainable technology:
Do you have a new and successful business in the chemical, biochemical or process industry? If so, why not submit it for an IChemE Global Award 2019?
Entries are open until 12 July 2019. Visit:
This video was produced by CMA Video.