Be inspired to advance process safety worldwide

18th August 2017

Process safety is fundamental to chemical, biochemical and process engineers. IChemE’s three-day event encourages them to come together and discuss: the current best practice, the latest developments, lessons learned in the process industry, and how to make operations even safer.

The conference was first held in 1960, and is now is an annual event. Hazards brings together around 100 presenters from leading industry practitioners, researchers and regulators, as well as keynote speakers invited from industry.

There are various workshops held throughout the conference. And it’s an opportunity for participants attending to learn more about the latest process safety related products and services being exhibited by organisations from across the globe.

It also allows professionals in the industry the chance to share their experiences of how process safety is being implemented at their plant, so that everyone can benefit. This could be, for example, on recent design challenges and how they were solved, changes to systems and procedures following an incident, or approaches to safety culture and leadership.

We’re now calling for papers for anyone interested in speaking at next year’s conference, Hazards 28, especially those who are managing risk within operating companies on a daily basis. You can submit a paper on one of these themes: engineering and design, systems and procedures, knowledge and competence, human factors, assurance, safety culture, and environmental protection.

We’ve also launched some videos talking to delegates and presenters to find out why they attend and speak at Hazards.

So, don’t just take our word for it – be inspired by what professionals in the industry have to say about what they get out of it.

What is Hazards – and why does it matter?

“This conference is a great way of disseminating knowledge, keeping our network of community together and, by attending technical talks and the keynote talks, you get to keep yourself up to date.

“It makes our industry a safer industry and we can all benefit from it.”

Why present at Hazards?

“You’re presenting thought-provoking, new ideas and trying to push the frontiers of how this whole field might evolve in the future.”

Hazards 28 takes place on 15–17 May 2018 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Don’t forget, if you’d like to present at Hazards 28 you’ll need to submit an abstract of your paper explaining the topic you’d like to present by 22 September.

For more information or to submit an abstract, visit