About AccessEngineering

AccessEngineering is McGraw Hill’s award-winning engineering reference platform that delivers interdisciplinary engineering content.
Through IChemE, members have free, unlimited access to the latest edition of Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, as well as over 700 books on engineering technology, business skills and engineering management.
The platform includes some 1,400 videos, typically providing examples of engineering calculations, and interactive graphs, tables and spreadsheets.
What areas does AccessEngineering cover?
- Concepts, data and calculations for process design, operation and control
- Sector-specific engineering practice – water, renewable energy, oil and gas, bioprocesses, process equipment
- Interactive graphs and spreadsheets
- Videos and ‘solution walkthroughs’ demonstrating solutions to chemical engineering problems
- Schaum’s textbooks on maths, physics, chemistry, biology, thermodynamics and more
- Material properties, explored using the interactive data visualisation tool DataVis
How to access AccessEngineering
To access AccessEngineering, log in to MyIChemE and navigate to Resources.
If you create a personal account on the AccessEngineering platform, you can bookmark or label content of interest to you. If you also set up a personal account with Hypothesis you can highlight and annotate content. Learn how to create an account and use additional features.
New to AccessEngineering?
For guidance on how to use AccessEngineering, view the training videos below.
Get help online or contact the AccessEngineering support team.
More videos:
- AccessEngineering for Practicing Engineers AccessEngineering for Practicing Engineers
- An Overview of Interactive Tools AccessEngineering: An Overview of Interactive Tools
- Personal Account Features AccessEngineering Personal Account Features
Keywords: perry, perrys, perry's, handbook.