A step-by-step guide to IChemE accreditation
Lydia White walks you through the straightforward IChemE accreditation process and outlines the support companies can expect from the institution.
One of the most effective ways to develop and retain skilled engineers is through a structured training scheme for graduate engineers, one that not only equips them with essential technical and professional skills but also sets them on the path to becoming a Chartered Member. This is where IChemE’s Accredited Company Training Schemes (ACTS) come in.
Step one: initial discussion
The first step toward accreditation is informal but important. IChemE encourages companies to contact them early in the process. This allows for an initial discussion with a dedicated regional engagement manager who will provide guidance on what is required for accreditation and help you assess how your current training scheme aligns with IChemE requirements (which match the Engineering Council’s Regulations for Registration).1
Step two: application and documentation
The next step is to submit a formal application including a self-assessment form and training manual. IChemE offers templates and guidance to help, making it easier to outline how your scheme aligns with IChemE competencies, for example.
Step three: initial review
An experienced ACTS assessor will review your application to evaluate whether your scheme adequately addresses accreditation requirements and IChemE competencies. They will also provide helpful feedback on any areas you may need to enhance or review before the accreditation visit.
Step four: on-site accreditation visit
One of the most important parts of the accreditation process is the on-site visit. ACTS assessors meet with key staff including managers, mentors, and graduate engineers (trainees). The goal here is to understand how the scheme operates, assess its effectiveness, and ensure it aligns with what has been outlined in the application. ACTS assessors are supportive and will guide you through the process.
Step 5: accreditation outcome
After the visit, the ACTS assessors compile a report and make a recommendation regarding the accreditation outcome, which is then ratified by an IChemE committee. If the scheme meets requirements, IChemE will award accreditation under our Engineering Council licence, typically for an initial period of two years (for existing schemes, the standard period is four years). If there are minor areas that need improvement, you may receive conditional accreditation and will be given time and support to make improvements.
Real-world success stories
Gaining accreditation not only enhances graduate development but also creates lasting benefits for organisations. Mott MacDonald gained IChemE accreditation of their graduate training scheme in 2024 and shared their experience with us:
"As our scheme covers 22 offices/sites across four sectors, one of the key challenges to address was standardising our processes and practices. To do this, we created a framework for the scheme comprising an overall scheme lead supported by four local scheme leads responsible for managing their respective sectors. We formed a steering committee which included our scheme leads, sponsor, group learning and development lead, and IChemE contact.
"Key to gaining accreditation was forming a strong relationship with our IChemE regional engagement manager, who provided invaluable insights throughout the process. Our contact was able to tap into the wealth of support available in IChemE to ensure that we incorporated industry-wide good practice into the scheme. This led to a pain-free accreditation visit with potential areas requiring further development already known.
"Early feedback from interviews suggests that our ACTS makes us a more attractive employer. We are also seeing benefits in how our trainees are developing into more rounded engineers. Our scheme framework has led to a more inclusive and accessible environment, with trainees able to identify key contacts, opportunities, and provide feedback on the scheme such that we’re continuously improving."
A worthwhile investment
IChemE accreditation is a straightforward, supported pathway that brings significant benefits. Accreditation provides companies with a robust framework for developing their engineers, which in turn boosts their reputation and appeal in the graduate marketplace. For graduates, it offers the assurance of a trusted and well-structured development scheme that helps them achieve their professional goals. In short, IChemE accreditation isn’t just a badge of honour; it is an investment in the future success of both your engineers and your company.
Ready to elevate your graduate training scheme?
Unlock the benefits of IChemE accreditation for your engineers and company. To learn more, visit the Accreditation: Graduate training schemes page or email acts@icheme.org to start your journey.
1. Engineering Council Regulations for Registration
This is the second in a series of articles on the benefits of accredited company training schemes for employers, graduates, and volunteers. To read the whole series, visit the Benefits of accredited company training schemes page.
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