Accredit your graduate training
Accredit your graduate training
IChemE accredits company training schemes throughout the chemical, biochemical and process engineering industry, in organisations employing any number of graduates – from one to 100.
We do this for three key reasons:
1. Quality assured professional practice
ACTS is the international IChemE benchmark for company training. It demonstrates to external and internal stakeholders that your organisation delivers tangible, high quality and relevant experience to its trainees.
2. Help your trainees work towards Chartered Chemical Engineer status
Achieving Chartered status is a key professional benchmark for chemical engineers around the world. Accredited Company Training Schemes (ACTS) ensure that graduates can achieve this milestone as effectively and as quickly as possible, maximising their potential and value to the company.
All registered ACTS trainees who successfully complete the scheme meet the Stage 2 - Initial Professional Development (IPD) requirement for Chartered membership. See our Chartered Member pages for further information on all three stages of our application process.
3. Improved recruitment and retention
An Accredited Company Training Scheme reflects a flexible partnership between the company, the trainee and IChemE. It provides professional outcomes and clearly defined benefits for all participating partners:
- reduced staff turnover
- competitive advantage in recruitment
- promotion to students at chemical engineering departments around the world
- information about your training scheme on our website
- incentivised and motivated trainees
- well developed chemical engineers in minimum time frame
- in-house 'Get Chartered' and mentoring sessions
- annual workshop for companies to network and share good practice.
How to develop a scheme
If your company doesn’t already have a graduate training scheme we can offer advice and guidance on how to develop one - see our guidance and forms page.
Additional information
If you have any questions or would like to organise a meeting, please contact