Volunteers and STEM Ambassadors

Volunteers and STEM Ambassadors

We are looking for enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers and STEM Ambassadors to support us with this exciting campaign. If you could help us to champion chemical and process engineering and encourage more young people from all backgrounds into our profession, please review the current opportunities or get in touch with the team to share your thoughts and ideas.

Resources and support

The outreach and careers toolkit provides a range of materials, branded with DiscoverChemEng, that you can use at careers fairs, including the new virtual work experience programme. In events and opportunities, you’ll find activities for specific age groups in schools.

Evaluating your activities is about understanding the impact your outreach or careers activity is having with young people.

We would like all volunteers working with children to read our 'Safeguarding and protection' guide.

If you are looking to provide ongoing support for schools and colleges, you can find out about roles including Enterprise Advisor and school governor in partnerships.